Get your free New Door or Repair Estimate

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Transforming a 3 Car Detached Garage

There’s no question that replacing garage doors can improve the curb appeal of your home. In some instances, it can also totally transform the functionality of your garage as well. We Car Detached Garage recently replaced 3 garage doors on this detached garage at a home in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Not only were the doors rotting and in need of replacement, but the upstairs of this detached garage unit serve as an apartment for the homeowner’s children. Not only were the homeowners looking for an updated look for the exterior of their home, but also garage doors that would help insulate the structure while not making too much noise.

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With those requirements in mind, Steven and his wife decided to replace their rotting garage doors with 3 new 9×7 Clopay Gallery carriage doors. The Clopay Gallery series doors are insulated steel back doors. Not only are they lighter, and more affordable than wood, the insulated steel drastically improves the temperature in the building during the summer and winter months. This was especially important for this detached structure, but is a great benefit for attached garages as well. After removing the old garage doors, worn hardware and outdated garage door openers and equipment, we prepped the garage for the garage door installation. The pictures speak for themselves, but what a difference! The old ashy brown wood doors were replaced with dark oak finish doors. As you can see from the photos, without doing any other painting or updating, the structure looks completely upgraded! Not only are the doors new, the style of the door changes the look and feel of the exterior. In addition to the new doors and color, new decorative hardware was added. As for getting a quieter opener for the kids upstairs, we installed 3 LiftMaster 8550W belt drive openers with 2 remotes, an exterior keypad, battery backup and built in Wi-Fi, so the openers can be controlled via mobile devices. Not only are these openers smooth and quiet, the tech features that come along with these openers are a luxury! Steven and his wife are extremely happy with how their garage turned out! It might be a while now before their kids decide to move out! 

Get In Touch Now!

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