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Garage Door Springs Replacement And Maintenance

We all love the smooth functioning of a good garage door. Here’s one fact! The springs are the essential parts responsible for this smooth movement. However, there have been cases where these springs get wrong, and the garage door stops functioning correctly. In such cases, the springs would need to be changed. After all, the garage door wouldn’t function with a bad or worn-out spring.

What do you do when your garage springs go bad? This article is all about what you should know about garage door springs and replacements.

What Are Garage Door Springs?

Garage Door springs are essential parts of the garage door that maintain its balance or hold it in place. They are made of tightly coiled steel, as long as 25-27 inches or even longer.

The springs are a highly essential part of the garage door because your garage door wouldn’t function without them. It’s necessary to maintain the springs and replace them when needed to prevent damage.

Types of Garage Door Springs

Torsion Springs:

  • A torsion Spring

is found on the top of the garage door, and it runs horizontally in the middle of the opening. You could have one or two this spring. The springs rotate by twisting on the horizontal axis, which helps open or closes your garage door. These springs are also more durable and modern.

  • Extension Springs:

The extension springs are found on both sides of your garage door near the top of the opening. They run vertically parallel to the garage door. They run along with pulleys and extend up or down based on how the garage door is operated. Extension springs aren’t as durable as Torsion springs, and they can’t carry as much weight. It is not always really recommended.

  • Spring replacement:

For high-quality spring replacement in Los  Angeles, you can always call on Garage Door Medics and other parts of the country we serve. You can always get your required service when you need it. Your spring replacement can be done at once if needed. All sorts of springs are also always available to be used for relief.

Garage doors springs vary in size. All sizes are always available, so you can always get the one that your garage door needs. You can quickly identify the exact spring you need. Some technicians are professionals in garage door springs replacement that will maximize satisfaction.

Why turn to garage door Medics?

Garage Door Medics offers one of the best spring replacement services. They have highly professional technicians qualified to help provide you with the best services. They also provide the following services:

  • Torsion Spring Conversion:

If you presently use an extension spring system and aren’t getting the desired functioning capacity, you can decide to change to Torsion springs. It will help upgrade the design of your garage door. Garage Door Medics can offer you the exemplary service needed to change your springs.

  • Springs maintenance:

Maintaining your springs increases the springs’ life span and prevents them from wearing out too fast. Your springs need to be adequately lubricated, tightened, and balanced. Garage Door Medics can offer maintenance services for your entire garage door annually.


Garage Door Medics offers one of the best spring replacement and maintenance services to ensure that your garage door is in top condition. Springs replacement should be done by professionals and not just anyone. DIY springs replacement can be dangerous because your garage door needs to be balanced on a specific weight.

If this isn’t so, it could be hazardous and could lead to an accident that could, in turn, lead to injury. For professional services, you can always turn out to Garage Door Medics to offer you quality service and offer you the service at the time you need them. You get maximum satisfaction from trying out their services.

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